title= {[Coursera] Natural Language Processing},
keywords= {},
journal= {},
author= {Michael Collins (Columbia University)},
year= {},
url= {},
license= {},
abstract= {Course Description:
COMS W4705 is a graduate introduction to natural language processing, the study of human language from a computational perspective. We will cover syntactic, semantic and discourse processing models. The emphasis will be on machine learning or corpus-based methods and algorithms. We will describe the use of these methods and models in applications including syntactic parsing, information extraction, statistical machine translation, dialogue systems, and summarization.
Here is a tentative syllabus for class:
Estimation techniques, and language modeling
Tagging, hidden Markov models
Statistical parsing
Machine translation
Log-linear models
Conditional random fields, global linear models
Unsupervised and semi-supervised learning in NLP},
superseded= {},
terms= {}