title= {Flickr8k Dataset},
keywords= {},
author= {Micah Hodosh and Peter Young and Julia Hockenmaier},
abstract= {8,000 photos and up to 5 captions for each photo.
We introduce a new benchmark collection for sentence-based image description and search, consisting of 8,000 images that are each paired with five different captions which provide clear descriptions of the salient entities and events. … The images were chosen from six different Flickr groups, and tend not to contain any well-known people or locations, but were manually selected to depict a variety of scenes and situations
## Citation
Hodosh, Micah, Peter Young, and Julia Hockenmaier. "Framing image description as a ranking task: Data, models and evaluation metrics." Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 47 (2013): 853-899.
terms= {},
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