Type: Dataset
Tags: economics, finance, forex, exchange, market, economy
Tags: economics, finance, forex, exchange, market, economy
@article{, title= {10 years of Dukascopy Forex Tick Data (2008-2019)}, journal= {}, author= {Justin Timperio}, year= {}, url= {https://www.driftinginrecursion.com/post/dukascopy_opensource_data/}, abstract= {Data collected and formatted by Justin Timperio: "In my exploration of world of big data and I became curious about tick data. Tick data is extremely granular and provides a great challenge for those looking to work on their optimization skills due to its size. Unfortunately, market data is almost always behind a pay wall or de-sampled to the point of uselessness. After discovering the Dukascopy api, I knew I wanted to make this data available for all in a more accessible format." Total Line Count: 8,495,770,706 Total Data Points: 33,983,082,824 Total Decompressed Size: 501 GB}, keywords= {finance, forex, exchange, market, economy, economics}, terms= {}, license= {}, superseded= {} }