Type Name Files Added Size DLs
NORD Osmosis Videos 2023 57 2023-11-17 713.43MB 5,24011 0
React & TypeScript Chrome Extension Development [2023] 155 2023-11-14 4.52GB 2,6131 2
Open Osmosis Videos (2015-2018) 309 2023-10-19 5.21GB 3,13614+ 1
Data Structure and Algorithms Courses by Algoexpert and Neetcode 894 2023-06-12 29.89GB 51,20193 13
ZeroToMastery - PyTorch for Deep Learning 329 2023-05-07 17.13GB 38,37362 6
Udemy - MongoDB - The Complete Developer's Guide 548 2023-04-24 6.04GB 6,23313 2
Udemy - Angular & NodeJS - The MEAN Stack Guide 320 2023-04-24 8.11GB 4,00613 1
Udemy - The Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart 371 2023-04-24 13.15GB 63910 1
Udemy - Artificial Intelligence A-Z Learn How To Build An AI 749 2023-04-24 2.60GB 50,75889 4
Udemy - Deep Learning and Computer Vision A-Z OpenCV, SSD & GANs 294 2023-04-24 4.64GB 29,15835 2
Udemy - Docker and Kubernetes The Complete Guide 538 2023-04-24 12.67GB 11,66541 2
Udemy - Learn Ethical Hacking From Scratch 314 2023-04-24 9.14GB 34,55862 2
Udemy - NodeJS - The Complete Guide (incl. MVC, REST APIs, GraphQL) 1528 2023-04-24 18.59GB 37,03055 7
Udemy - The Complete Android N Developer Course 1315 2023-04-24 7.19GB 20,84014 2
Udemy - Machine Learning A-Z Become Kaggle Master 541 2023-04-24 15.00GB 25,33646 3
Coursera - Python 3 Programming Specialization 1029 2021-05-02 2.10GB 96,92061 2
Coursera - Data Science Fundamentals with Python and SQL 415 2021-05-02 807.99MB 95,02471 2
Coursera - Applied Data Science with Python 665 2021-05-02 2.11GB 85,23061 1
14BHD 2020-2021 Informatica (ITA) 51 2021-01-12 10.15GB 9637 0
Caltech CS124 Operating Systems 55 2020-12-25 808.02MB 19,89423+ 0
Medical Imaging with Deep Learning Tutorial 2020 - Joseph Paul Cohen 7 2020-07-28 76.86MB 8,99420+ 1
[Coursera] What A Plant Knows (Daniel Chamovitz, Tel Aviv University) 108 2020-06-09 538.94MB 18,14519+ 1
[Coursera] Natural Language Processing (Dan Jurafsky and Chris Manning) 102 2020-06-08 1.18GB 25,14021+ 1
01TXY 2019-2020 Web Applications I 37 2020-06-08 10.02GB 2,5646 1
03FYZ 2019-2020 Techiche di Programmazione (ITA) 46 2020-06-08 14.25GB 4245 2
Medical Handbook for Limited Resource Settings 39 2020-03-01 15.02GB 7,86519+ 1
01QZP 2018-2019 Ambient Intelligence 21 2019-06-13 4.38GB 6,32511 0
03FYZ 2018-2019 Techiche di Programmazione (ITA) 44 2019-06-13 12.20GB 4895 0
CMU 11-785 Introduction to Deep Learning Spring 2019 22 2019-02-19 3.27GB 22,29316 1
Semantic Web 2019 (ENG) 9 2019-02-04 1.78GB 10,5869 1
The Analytics Edge [edX] Summer 2015 319 2019-01-27 3.07GB 23,19123 0
02CIX 2018-2019 Sistemi Informativi Aziendali (ITA) 40 2019-01-17 9.89GB 1,6457 1
Tom Mitchell - Machine Learning - 2012 110 2018-11-18 5.87GB 6,39213 1
University of Washington - Pedro Domingos - Machine Learning 113 2018-11-09 9.07GB 11,18413+ 0
CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks Spring 2017 16 2018-09-25 2.63GB 29,03319+ 0
Statistical Machine Learning CMU Spring 2016 39 2018-03-22 28.19GB 10,32513+ 0
Internet History, Technology, and Security by Charles Severance 196 2018-03-22 2.35GB 16,70717 1
Introduction to Computer Science [CS50x] [Harvard] [2018] 192 2018-01-24 9.61GB 81,47772+ 2
Richard Feynman's Lectures on Physics (The Messenger Lectures) 7 2017-07-20 1.07GB 37,55134+ 1
Public Health 241, 001 - Spring 2011 - UC Berkeley 38 2017-03-10 1.87GB 5,67613 0
Law 271, Environmental Law and Policy - Fall 2009 - UC Berkeley 26 2017-03-10 4.25GB 1,6889 0
Peace and Conflict Studies 164B - Spring 2007 - UC Berkeley 27 2017-03-09 5.07GB 2,6109 0
Statistics 21 - 001 - Spring 2010 - UC Berkeley 25 2017-03-09 5.58GB 5,87315 1
Statistics 21 - Fall 2009 - UC Berkeley 25 2017-03-09 4.27GB 8,90713 0
International and Area Studies 107, 001 - Spring 2011 - UC Berkeley 21 2017-03-09 1.64GB 3,6379 1
Multivariable Calculus - Math 53 - Fall 2009 - UC Berkeley 25 2017-03-09 5.84GB 4,82413 1
Political Science 179 - Spring 2008 - UC Berkeley 12 2017-03-09 1.50GB 4,62613 0
Chemistry 1A, 002 - Spring 2010 - UC Berkeley 43 2017-03-09 9.28GB 3,08510 2
Physics 10, 001 - Spring 2006 - UC Berkeley 26 2017-03-09 4.82GB 4,07810 0
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering 179 Process Technology of Solid-State Materials Devices - UC Berkeley 33 2017-03-09 3.64GB 3,29716 0
Psychology 1 - General Psychology - Fall 2007 - UC Berkeley 25 2017-03-09 3.36GB 11,52024 4
Environmental Economics and Policy 145 - Fall 2014 - UC Berkeley 37 2017-03-09 3.93GB 1,96911 0
Nuclear Engineering 101, 001 - Fall 2014 - UC Berkeley 29 2017-03-09 4.97GB 4,14211 1
Astronomy C12, 001 - Fall 2014 - UC Berkeley 25 2017-03-09 11.35GB 1,94111 0
Bioengineering 200, 001 - Spring 2014 - UC Berkeley 9 2017-03-09 3.80GB 2,45816 0
Public Health 150E, 001 - Spring 2015 - UC Berkeley 1 2017-03-09 252.00MB 1,41810+ 0
Electrical Engineering 123, 001 - Spring 2015 - UC Berkeley 36 2017-03-08 6.06GB 4,70617 2
Integrative Biology 131 - General Human Anatomy Online Course Videos - UCBerkeley 39 2017-03-08 8.52GB 4,43914 0
[Coursera] VLSI CAD: Logic to Layout (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) (vlsicad) 342 2017-03-05 1.57GB 2,78812 0
[Coursera] Sports and Building Aerodynamics (Eindhoven University of Technology) (spobuildaerodynamics) 220 2017-03-05 1.44GB 1,13610 0
[Coursera] Social Network Analysis (University of Michigan) (sna) 239 2017-03-05 1.09GB 4,75414 0
[Coursera] Scientific Computing (University of Washington) (scientificcomp) 532 2017-03-05 3.93GB 3,76111+ 0
[Coursera] High Performance Scientific Computing (University of Washington) (scicomp) 620 2017-03-05 2.91GB 2,74212+ 0
[Coursera] Recommender Systems (University of Minnesota) (recsys) 194 2017-03-05 2.13GB 15,14414 0
[Coursera] Discrete Optimization (The University of Melbourne) (optimization) 259 2017-03-05 3.67GB 3,5959 0
[Coursera] Introduction to Natural Language Processing (University of Michigan) (nlpintro) 325 2017-03-05 1.92GB 17,28320 0
[Coursera] Natural Language Processing (Stanford University) (nlp) 503 2017-03-05 1.34GB 59,45355+ 0
[Coursera] Natural Language Processing (Columbia University) (nlangp) 440 2017-03-05 1.22GB 8,63310+ 0
[Coursera] Neural Networks for Machine Learning (University of Toronto) (neuralnets) 378 2017-03-05 1.03GB 19,77119 0
[Coursera] Nanotechnology: The Basics (Rice University) (nanotech) 229 2017-03-05 2.39GB 8,27811 1
[Coursera] Fundamentals of Music Theory (The University of Edinburgh) (musictheory) 172 2017-03-05 1.82GB 17,09033 3
[Coursera] MRI Fundamentals (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) (mrifundamentals) 50 2017-03-05 640.28MB 4,30412 0
[Coursera] Model Thinking (University of Michigan) (modelthinking) 564 2017-03-05 2.34GB 22,92217+ 2
[Coursera] Mining Massive Datasets (Stanford University) (mmds) 432 2017-03-05 2.57GB 3,57215 0
[Coursera] Machine Learning (Stanford University) (ml) 376 2017-03-05 1.59GB 324,767176+ 2
[Coursera] Mathematical Methods for Quantitative Finance (University of Washington) (mathematicalmethods) 301 2017-03-05 1.68GB 5,57216 0
[Coursera] Logic: Language and Information 1 (The University of Melbourne) (logic1) 203 2017-03-05 861.92MB 8,71711 0
[Coursera] Introduction to Philosophy (The University of Edinburgh) (introphil) 126 2017-03-05 803.54MB 16,05325 0
[Coursera] Introduction to Logic (Stanford University) (intrologic) 347 2017-03-05 258.93MB 15,06822 0
[Coursera] The Hardware/Software Interface (University of Washington) (hwswinterface) 363 2017-03-05 1.44GB 2,99110 0
[Coursera] Heterogeneous Parallel Programming (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) (hetero) 363 2017-03-05 1.48GB 1,27610 0
[Coursera] Genomic and Precision Medicine (University of California, San Francisco) (genomicmedicine) 184 2017-03-05 1.05GB 2,8439 1
[Coursera] Genes and the Human Condition (From Behavior to Biotechnology) (University of Maryland, College Park) (genes) 150 2017-03-05 1.88GB 2,1899 0
[Coursera] Game Theory II: Advanced Applications (Stanford University) (gametheory2) 178 2017-03-05 2.25GB 9,24518 0
[Coursera] Game Theory (Stanford University & The University of British Columbia) (gametheory) 301 2017-03-05 2.99GB 20,84524 1
[Coursera] Exploring Quantum Physics (University of Maryland, College Park) (eqp) 268 2017-03-05 1.74GB 1,7949 0
[Coursera] Understanding Einstein: The Special Theory of Relativity (Stanford University) (einstein) 878 2017-03-05 8.61GB 1,78711+ 1
[Coursera] Principles of Economics for Scientists (Caltech) (econ1scientists) 586 2017-03-05 1.72GB 1,57010+ 0
[Coursera] Digital Signal Processing (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) (dsp) 395 2017-03-05 1.47GB 3,78915 1
[Coursera] Introduction to Data Science (University of Washington) (datasci) 429 2017-03-05 1.46GB 40,72228 0
[Coursera] Galaxies and Cosmology (Caltech) (cosmo) 381 2017-03-05 1.84GB 2,02611 0
[Coursera] Computational Neuroscience (University of Washington) (compneuro) 236 2017-03-05 1.00GB 5,0888 0
[Coursera] Computational Methods for Data Analysis (University of Washington) (compmethods) 438 2017-03-05 3.75GB 8,31213+ 1
[Coursera] Compilers (Stanford University) (compilers) 528 2017-03-05 1.32GB 5,31524+ 0
[Coursera] Introduction to Computational Finance and Financial Econometrics (University of Washington) (compfinance) 441 2017-03-05 4.15GB 8,66326+ 0
[Coursera] Computer Architecture (Princeton University) (comparch) 538 2017-03-05 3.54GB 2,26410+ 0
[Coursera] Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies (Princeton University) (bitcointech) 266 2017-03-05 1.90GB 12,19915 0
[Coursera] Bioinformatics: Life Sciences on Your Computer (Johns Hopkins University) (bioinform) 165 2017-03-05 498.20MB 2,4179 0
[Coursera] The Caltech-JPL Summer School on Big Data Analytics (Caltech) (bigdataschool) 231 2017-03-05 2.18GB 4,71512 0
[Coursera] Web Intelligence and Big Data (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi) (bigdata) 359 2017-03-05 1.19GB 2,71614 0
[Coursera] Automata (Stanford University) (automata) 171 2017-03-05 876.35MB 4,1957 0
[Coursera] Astrobiology and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life (The University of Edinburgh) (astrobio) 166 2017-03-05 827.70MB 2,4647 0
[Coursera] Analysis of Algorithms (Princeton University) (aofa) 163 2017-03-05 2.03GB 5,9988 0
[Coursera] Algorithms, Part II (Princeton University) (algs4partII) 308 2017-03-05 1.66GB 6,52916 1
[Coursera] Algorithms, Part I (Princeton University) (algs4partI) 277 2017-03-05 1.21GB 6,69912 1
[Coursera] Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 2 (Stanford University) (algo2) 584 2017-03-05 1.98GB 14,02513+ 1
[Coursera] Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 1 (Stanford University) (algo) 532 2017-03-05 1.95GB 18,60819+ 0
[Coursera] Artificial Intelligence Planning (The University of Edinburgh) (aiplan) 357 2017-03-05 1.04GB 10,57324 1
[Coursera ] Text Mining and Analytics 148 2017-01-22 1.06GB 6,49419 0
Biology-1B-Spring2015-UCBerkeley 41 2016-10-30 14.50GB 52812 1
Biology-1A-Spring2013-UCBerkeley-Jennifer-Doudna 38 2016-10-30 4.95GB 61611 0
MIT 7.012 Introduction to Biology - Fall 2004 35 2016-10-29 10.33GB 1,1909+ 1
MIT OCW Systems Biology 8.591J Fall 14 24 2016-10-27 4.48GB 1,7889+ 0
MIT Foundations of Computational and Systems Biology 7.91J 44 2016-10-27 4.09GB 2,34311+ 0
Coursera - Economics of Money and Banking Part Two 367 2016-09-26 3.44GB 24,56144 2
[Coursera] Clinical Problem Solving 299 2016-09-26 1.20GB 4,69716 0
[Coursera] Probabilistic Graphical Models 547 2016-09-26 1.50GB 15,61715+ 0
[Coursera] Exploring Quantum Physics 267 2016-09-26 1.64GB 5,12210 1
[Coursera] Heterogeneous Parallel Programming 87 2016-09-26 4.91GB 4,24315 0
[Coursera] Designing and Executing Information Security Strategies 164 2016-09-26 1.01GB 5,50113 1
[Coursera] Coding the Matrix: Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications 73 2016-09-26 2.98GB 18,91133 0
[Coursera] The Hardware/Software Interface 341 2016-09-26 1.31GB 8,29015 0
[Coursera] Computer Architecture 121 2016-09-26 5.56GB 23,98220 1
[Coursera] Learn to Program: Crafting Quality Code 153 2016-09-26 360.73MB 3,83415 0
[Coursera] Introduction to Mathematical Thinking 44 2016-09-26 1.90GB 21,57243 2
[Coursera] Algorithms Part II 111 2016-09-26 1.93GB 20,25628 1
[Coursera] Algorithms Part I 89 2016-09-26 1.62GB 57,07132+ 1
MIT Course 9.520 - Statistical Learning Theory and Applications, Fall 2015 26 2016-09-09 41.06GB 2,53420+ 2
Regularization Methods for Machine Learning 2016 16 2016-09-08 4.59GB 3,36611+ 1
Large Scale Machine Learning - UToronto - STA 4273H Winter 2015 18 2016-09-08 3.15GB 2,58712+ 0
[Coursera] The Social Context of Mental Health and Illness (University of Toronto) 491 2016-07-14 1.53GB 1,8199+ 0
[Coursera] Preventing Chronic Pain A Human Systems Approach (University of Minnesota) 292 2016-07-14 3.85GB 85710 0
[Coursera] VLSI CAD: Logic to Layout by Rob A. Rutenbar (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) 218 2016-07-14 1.44GB 6,19911 0
[Coursera] Greek and Roman Mythology (University of Pennsylvania) 699 2016-07-14 2.30GB 1,98814+ 1
[Coursera] Beginning Game Programming with C# (University of Colorado System) 436 2016-07-14 2.13GB 21,44517 1
[Coursera] - (Operating Systems) by Professor Chen Xiangqun (Peking University) 136 2016-07-14 3.07GB 2,5338 0
[Coursera] Nanotechnology: The Basics by Professor Vicki Colvin, Daniel Mittleman (Rice University) 229 2016-07-14 2.39GB 1,49510 1
[Coursera] Analysis of Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick (Princeton University) 47 2016-07-14 1.88GB 5,94812 0
[Coursera] Mathematical Methods for Quantitative Finance by Dr. Kjell Konis (University of Washington) 103 2016-07-14 6.42GB 11,89719 0
[Coursera] How to Succeed in College by Dr. Jonathan Golding, Dr. Phil Kraemer (University of Kentucky) 96 2016-07-14 754.20MB 4,95418 0
[Coursera] Web Intelligence and Big Data by Dr. Gautam Shroff 123 2016-07-14 1.48GB 40,30220 0
CS224d: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing (Spring 2016) 9 2016-05-04 3.83GB 10,19917+ 0
CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition 2016 15 2016-03-27 10.73GB 7,33615+ 1
Neural Networks Video Lectures - Hugo Larochelle 92 2016-03-04 6.60GB 4,07812+ 2
2011 Harvard CS50 Introduction to Computer Science I 418 2015-11-04 20.91GB 12,01413+ 1
MIT OCW 8.02 - Physics II - Electricity and Magnetism 38 2015-10-07 4.09GB 12,55526+ 1
MIT OCW 6.451 Principles of Digital Communication II Spring 05 25 2015-10-06 12.64GB 2,94213+ 0
Stanford EE364A - Convex Optimization I - Boyd 41 2015-04-25 4.46GB 2,40910+ 0
Caltech CS156 - Machine Learning - Yaser 54 2015-04-24 3.36GB 10,81819+ 1
MIT OCW 7.014 - Introductory Biology 131 2015-01-23 6.02GB 5,37314+ 0
MIT OCW 18.03 - Mathematics - Differential Equations 33 2015-01-23 6.32GB 10,07822+ 0
MIT OCW 8.03 - Physics III - Vibrations and Waves 25 2015-01-23 2.64GB 9,93018+ 0
MIT OCW 8.01 - Physics I - Classical Mechanics 37 2015-01-23 2.41GB 15,46627+ 3
Democratic Development by Larry Diamond 401 2014-01-31 3.69GB 4,57411 0

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